Contents: Adagio (Schubert) • Allegretto (C.P.E. Bach) • Andante (Mozart) • Boston Fancy (Hornpipe) • German Dance (Dittersdorf) • I'm Just A-Goin' over Jordan • March (Beethoven) • Menuetto (Handel) • O Mensch Bewein Dein Sunde Gross • Romance • Shenandoah • Tambourin • Theme and Variations (Marais) • Verborgenheit (Wolf) • Von Ewiger Liebe (Brahms) • Were You There?
Optional professionally recorded piano accompaniments are accessed online using the unique code inside the book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.