The ABRSM 'Easier Piano Pieces' series features pieces chosen for their comparative lack of technical difficulty, therefore providing an excellent introduction to the music of great composers throughout history.
Robert Fuchs was an Austrian composer and teacher who composed a number of large-scale works and taught a generation of composers at the Vienna Conservatoire, including the composers Mahler and Zemlinsky. This album selects pieces from two of his collections for children to present an attractive volume of descriptive pieces.
- Abendgebet (Evening Prayer), Op. 32 No. 9
- Banges Herzelein (Sad at Heart), Op. 47 No. 5
- Der kleine Trompeter (The Little Trumpeter), Op. 32 No. 4
- Der Regen rieselt (Drizzling Rain), Op. 32 No. 11
- Gebet (Prayer), Op. 47 No. 3
- Grosses Geheimnis (A Great Mystery), Op. 32 No. 12
- Herzeleid (Heartache), Op. 32 No. 2
- Kindliche Bitte (A Child’s Request), Op. 47 No. 1
- Lacheln unter Tranen (Smiles after Tears), Op. 47 No. 10
- Lieb’ Schwesterlein (Dear Little Sister), Op. 32 No. 14
- Liedchen (A Little Song), Op. 47 No. 4
- Morgenlied (Morning Song), Op. 32 No. 1
- Mutterchen erzahlt (Mother tells a Story), Op. 47 No. 16
- Plappermaulchen (Chatterbox), Op. 32 No. 18
- Romanze (Romance), Op. 47 No. 13
- Soldatenmarsch (Soldier’s March), Op. 47 No. 14
- Stilles Gluck (Quiet Happiness), Op. 47 No. 21
- Stillvergnugt (Quietly Contented), Op. 47 No. 6
- Stolzer Reitersmann (Proud Horseman), Op. 47 No. 2
- Susser Trost (Sweet Consolation), Op. 47 No. 11
- Wiegenliedchen (Cradle Song), Op. 47 No. 7