Embark on a musical adventure with the Mini, a fun travel-size nylon string guitar inspired by Coco, an all new film by Disney•Pixar. Perfectly sized for life’s adventures (580mm or 22.8” scale length) and with a durable satin finish, the Mini retains the playability of a full size guitar without losing its impressively loud voice. Built with a spruce top and mahogany back and sides and in standard E tuning, the Mini’s tone is bright and full. The beautiful laser-etched design is inspired by the guitars and Mexican heritage featured throughout the film. Comes with a Córdoba gig bag and guitar strap.
Back & Sides Wood:Mahogany
Pack:Cordoba Mini XL Gig Bag & Guitar Strap Included in Unique Box
Style:Small Body Classical Nylon String Guitar/Ukulele Crossover