This is an ensemble collection of popular anime theme songs. The arrangement is a trio arrangement that can be played as a duet. The songs are arranged so that even those who have just started playing an instrument can play them with a little practice.
[How to use the collection]
This collection is a trio score made for the same type of instrument with the same tuning. When three members cannot gather, the arrangement is designed so that two people can play the ensemble. (With some exceptions).
Please refer to the guide on the score.
[1] Lupin the Third Theme
[2] Cruel Angel's Thesis
[3] Detective Conan Main Theme
[4] Zenzenzense (movie ver.)
[5] Full Power
[6] Lion
[7] Make Your Dreams Come True Doraemon
[8] Secret Base ~What You Gave Me~
[9] We Are!
[10] Moonlight Legend
[11] Dancing Pompokorin
[13] Space Battleship Yamato
[14] Galaxy Express 999 Medley
[15] First Kiss
[16] Touch
[17] Courage 100%
[18] Fly! Gundam
[19] Gegege no Kitaro
[20] Humans are great