

53 products

Showing 49 - 53 of 53 products

Welcome to the largest range of Accordions and accessories in Australia at Music Junction (Camberwell store). We are the exclusive Australian Importer of the major Italian manufacturers such as Scandalli, Paolo Soprani, Excelsior, Pigini and Dino Baffetti. Contact us for custom orders and additional models not shown here.

We also stock a wide range of piano and button accordions from Hohner, Paloma, Roland, and many more.

Showing 49 - 53 of 53 products
Scandalli Super Vi Traditional 120 Bass | New
Scandalli Super L Traditional 120 Bass
Scandalli Air 1 S Musette
Scandalli Air 1 S Musette
Sale price$9,995.00
Paloma 712 Pro 120 Bass Accordion
Paloma 712 Pro 120 Bass Accordion
Sale price$2,495.00
Paloma 2701 120 Bass Cassotto Accordion

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